Onboarding New NTC Staff
First and Last Name
Preferred Name
Employee's TU Email Address
Office Phone Number
Office Location and Room Number
Employee's Alternate Email Address
Alternate Phone Number
What date is the employee attending TU's orientation?
Employee's Start Date
Supervisor's Name
Supervisor's TU Email Address
Emergency Contact Information
Primary Emergency Contact Person
Emergency Phone Number
Primary Relationship
Secondary Emergency Contact Person
Emergency Phone Number
Secondary Relationship
Communication and Marketing
All new staff need a headshot for the website and new staff announcement in our newsletter. Please select a day/time of day that works best. The Communications team will reach out to schedule.
9-10 am on Tuesday
3-4 pm on Thursday
Have you arranged a welcome lunch for the new employee during their first week?
Not yet
Is a campus tour planned for the new employee?
Not yet
Did your unit provide to the new staff member a welcome swag bag?
Technology and Access
Was technology equipment ordered for the new employee?
No, equipment was available within the department
Does the employee have access to their voicemail, shared drives and other systems within your department?
*Other, please explain below
Was a labor distribution was completed for the new employee?
No, please explain why below
Additional Information
List any additional information or issues you are experiencing during the on boarding process.
Upload a bio or additional info as needed
Please sign below to confirm that your unit has provided the new employee with necessary new hire information and/or is in the process of acclimating the new employee to Tulane and your department.
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