Onboarding New NTC Staff

Emergency Contact Information

Communication and Marketing

All new staff need a headshot for the website and new staff announcement in our newsletter. Please select a day/time of day that works best. The Communications team will reach out to schedule. *


Have you arranged a welcome lunch for the new employee during their first week? *
Is a campus tour planned for the new employee? *
Did your unit provide to the new staff member a welcome swag bag? *

Technology and Access

Was technology equipment ordered for the new employee? *
Does the employee have access to their voicemail, shared drives and other systems within your department? *
Was a labor distribution was completed for the new employee? *

Additional Information

Please sign below to confirm that your unit has provided the new employee with necessary new hire information and/or is in the process of acclimating the new employee to Tulane and your department.
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