Share here how your Scout group provided service to the community. This data will be used to showcase the impact of Scouting service to community partners, media, donors, and Scouting families - past, present and future. Publications of this data will include Annual Report, Social Media, grant applications, and general promotional materials.
Name of Project
Project Category (Please select one)
you must have at least one item
Food Collection/Distribution
you must have at least one item
you must have at least one item
you must have at least one item
you must have at least one item
Litter Pick up
you must have at least one item
you must have at least one item
you must have at least one item
you must have at least one item
Public Space Improvement/Beautification
you must have at least one item
you must have at least one item
you must have at least one item
you must have at least one item
Date (or date range) of Project
Scout Unit #
Unit Contact/Project Coordinator Name
Contact Email Address of person completing the form
Project Beneficiary (name and website if available)
Number of volunteers involved in project
Number of hours to complete project
Location or Physical Address of Project
Zip Code
Description of Project & other unique stats (ie pounds of food collected, # of things distributed, # people served, etc)
Why did your group choose this project?
Upload Project Pictures