Boo-Fest at Camp Chesebrough
Come join us for our annual Halloween campout where participants get to make their own spooky area, trick-or-treat down the haunted nature trail, carve pumpkins, and participate in traditional scout activities with a spooky twist!

Activities Offered:

  • Archery, Air-powered BB guns, slingshots- Shooting Sports out on the range!
  • Arts & Crafts - Pumpkin carving, costume decoration, & more!
  • Scout Skills - Learn things that help you care of yourself and others like knots!
  • Games - Plenty of tricks to be learned while playing games!
  • Daily Flag Ceremonies - Learn about the US flag ceremony and ceremonies!
  • Cracker Barrel - Come have fun themed snacks and socialize with folks in your optional costume!
  • Trick or Treat! - Explore the haunted nature trail and discover some enjoyable treats along the way.
Time: Friday 10/28 5 PM - Saturday 10/29 4PM
Cost: $60 for Cub Scout and Adult partner, $12 for an extra adult. $70 after 10/1
Have a friend that isn't in Scouting yet that would like to join? Sign them up for this event and you will both attend for free!
Evening treats, Breakfast, & Lunch included.
Please eat dinner before you arrive or bring a sack dinner with you.

No camping gear will be provided. Please plan on using a hand cart to carry your tent and supplies to the upper campsites. If you will need assistance please let us know.
Location: Camp Chesebrough - 26005 CA-9, Los Gatos, CA 95033
Bring Health Form part A&B to camp check-in. Everyone coming to camp including adults need a health form.  
Questions? Email
Covid Policy

If you are feeling sick or exhibiting any covid-19 symptoms (Fever or chills; Cough; Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; Fatigue; Muscle or body aches Headache; New loss of taste or smell; Sore throat; Congestion or runny nose; Nausea or vomiting; Diarrhea) please stay home. 

We will be following California and Santa Cruz County policies defering to whichever is more stringent. 

Adult in charge Information

Is this adult attending? *

Registrant Information - List all participants

Did you register a non-scout friend to join you for the event? Make sure to select their age above. *
Add code NEWSCOUT21 for 2 free youth attendance. 
Please indicate any dietary restrictions *
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Total Number of Attendees 🛈
(0 remaining)
(0 remaining)
How would you like to pay? * 🛈
*****If there are any cancellations, please notify the Camping Director in writing at least two weeks prior to the committed date. All refunds/transfers are subject to a 15% cancellation fee. There is no refund two weeks before the event. For registration, facility questions, information and confirmation email The event will be held rain or shine. No refunds due to weather.*****