WAITLIST For the September 20-22 & October 18-20, 2019 Course

WAITLIST Training Course Overview

In 1911, Baden-Powell took the first steps in training Scouting’s adult leaders by organizing a series of lectures for  Scouters.  He made great strides in the years that followed, culminating in 1919 with the establishment of Wood Badge training. Wood Badge recipients now number more than a hundred thousand, and can be found in all corners of the world.

The objective of a Wood Badge course is to demonstrate as practically as possible the aims and methods of Scouting. Six days (two weekends) in duration, the course is a multi-faceted presentation of leadership skills, organizational tools, and participatory activities based on the best of Scouting traditions and the latest of team-development theory. In addition, participants will enjoy the fellowship of learning alongside many other volunteer and along the way will have a great deal of fun. 

This will be a tremendous opportunity for you to:

• Understand Scouting as a family of interrelated, values-based  programs  providing  age-appropriate activities for youth.

• Recognize contemporary leadership concepts  utilized  in  corporate  America  and  in  leading government organizations, and discover how those concepts that is relevant to our values-based movement.

• Apply the skills you learn from your participation as a member of a successful working team provides Scouting with renewed leadership to accomplish its mission.

• Revitalize your commitment to Scouting by sharing in an inspirational experience that helps many Scouters consider Wood Badge to be one of the peak experiences of their Scouting careers. It has served as a source of training and inspirations to thousands. In return, Wood Badge participants have affected the lives of millions of youth.

We sincerely hope that you can participate. You will enjoy it fully and benefit from it immensely. You are to be commended for the work you are doing now in scouting. Wood Badge training will enable you to make an even greater contribution as you help deliver the promise of Scouting. 

Course Dates:

Orientation - August 17, 2019
Course Weekend 1 - September 20-22, 2019
Course Weekend  2 - October 18-20, 2019

Complete The Form Below To Be Placed On The Waitlist For The Course

Participant Waitlist Information