Drum Making
Times: 10am - 12pm
In person

location: Culture Center

3509 72nd Street E Tacoma, WA 98443

Class size: is limited to 6 people max (limited space available)

Youth must be accompanied by parent and/or guardian at all times.

 We will follow all COVID precautions: wear a mask, wash hands often, social distance 6 feet apart.

If you are not feeling well, join us next time.

Please provide a reliable email when registering.
Culture will keep in contact mainly through email with PDF documents and information for classes. 
Puyallup Tribal members & community members are welcome to register if you reside on the
Puyallup reservation.
Must be a Puyallup Tribal member if you are registering outside of the Puyallup reservation. 
Please contact
Michael "Muck" Hall (253-993-0011) if you have any questions 
What class would you like to attend? *
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Registration Information
 First NameLast NameAgeTribe


I/we understand that the class environment and activities pose risks to personal health and safety. I/we hereby agree to hold harmless The Puyallup Tribe, Puyallup Tribe Culture in the event of injury. I/we give permission for use of photos of me or my family in publications and release my right to any remuneration from said photos.  Please read this slip carefully, fill out completely, sign and return by deadline date. Your child / children MUST have a signed permission slip in order to attend class.

Please Sign *
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