Student Photos & Class Groups taken during these days

Tuesday, Oct. 8th ~ Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grade Photo Day

Wednesday, Oct. 9th ~ 3rd, 4th & 5th Grade Photo Day

Student Info (complete one online form for each student)

Parent Info

Section 1: Order Individual Student Photos Here

Your school's individual background is shown above.

Add Facial Retouching to your child's photo to eliminate blemishes and soften skin texture. Package "Z"...$8.00

This Section is for Individual Student Photos Only

(Class Group Photos can be ordered in Section 2)

Do not combine multiple children's orders.
One completed check out per child please.
Enter quantity next to preferred package/s.

Section 2: Order Class Group Photos Here

Enter Quantity in box next to Package/Size you are choosing The class photo will be of the teacher's class you selected at the top of this form.
Please click here to confirm you understand Wa State Sales Tax will be applied to your order. *
Current Total:

Click "NEXT" button below to review your order and continue to the payment page.

for questions email: