ICCS Women in Cytometry - Mentee Questionnaire
First Name
Last Name:
Your email address:
Company Name
0/100 characters
Job Title
0/200 characters
Work Phone:
0/100 characters
How do you prefer to be contacted?
Phone Call
We would like to use your answers to the questions below on the ICCS website to let potential mentors know more about you
That is great. Please do
No thanks! I would rather you didn't.
Briefly describe the type of institution in which you are employed or are familiar with (academic, pharma, biotech, reference lab etc) and the nature of your job.
What areas do you feel you need mentoring in, i.e. academic success criteria, work-life balance, surviving in industry, how to negotiate etc.? Just talking to someone who has been where you are now can also be important. Feel free to list as many areas as you want.
Is there a particular mentor that you would like to be paired with?