IEEE-PVSC 49: Media Release for Middle and High School Competition Submissions

Please review and complete the items below. 
I grant permission to the IEEE PHOTOVOLTAIC SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE (PVSC), and its agents and employees, the absolute right to use, not use, publish, republish and make derivative works of, all or any part of my or my child's submissions to the middle and high school PVSC competitions, including photgraphs and/or video and/or audio recordings and/or written products created and in any media now or hereafter known, including the internet, for the purpose set forth below, and for any related PVSC purposes, including illustration, promotion, art, editorial, and advertising, without restriction.
I waive any right to inspect or approve the Photos/Recordings/Written Products, or any uses therof, now or in the future, and I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of Photos/Recordings/Written products. 
I release and discharge IEEE PVSC of and from any claims, demands, and damages that may arise from or related to the use of the competition submissions including any claims for libel or violation of any right of publicity or privacy, and including and re-use, distortion, blurring, alteration, or use in composite form. It is the discretion of IEEE PVSC to decide whether and how to use the Photos/Recordings/Written Products.
This Release will be binding upon me and my heirs, legal representatives, and assigns.