ABS Career Diversity Travel Award Application


The Career Diversity Travel award is intended to increase the diversity of attendees at the ABS Annual meeting and within its membership, specifically for career stages that are less well supported. It will provide financial support to career stages including but not limited to postdocs, research scientists, lecturers, adjuncts, and non-tenure track faculty, to help defray the costs of registration, travel, and/or housing at the annual Animal Behavior Society meeting. Applying for this award does not preclude you from applying for additional ABS funding. Awardees are encouraged to upload their presentations to the ABS virtual meeting, to increase accessibility and broader inclusion and participation.

We expect to fund awards of ~$750 USD each.

The application consists of:

  • You (or your student’s) submitted abstract and title
  • A brief statement about your request for support
  • Institutional support survey
  • Demographic survey

Deadline: March 21, 2025


Do you or your student(s) plan to give a presentation (virtually or in person) in this year’s Animal Behavior Society conference? *
0/200 characters
0/1200 characters
0/500 words

Institutional Support Survey

Do you have access to conference funding through your institution, department, and/or grant funds? *
What is your current position? (Select all that apply) *
To which kind of institution do you belong? (Select all that apply) *
Are you applying to other awards? This does not preclude you from applying. (Select all that apply.) *

Demographic information

Responses to the survey items below will only be available to the award review committee and will be kept confidential at the individual level. Aggregated demographics that describe the general pool of applicants, without any identifying information, may be used for assessing the population applying to this travel award.
What is your racial or ethnic identity (please select all that apply)? *
How would you describe your ability/disability status? We are interested in your experience, regardless of whether you regularly request accommodations and your formal diagnosis (please select all that apply)? *
What is your gender identity? (Please select all that apply) *
What is your sexual orientation? (Please select all that apply) *
Do you identify with any other axes of diversity not listed above, including but not limited to: *