Lundquist Appraisal Company Order Form
Move to each field by using your "TAB" key. After completing this form, click on "SUBMIT Order Form" at the bottom of the page. We will contact you promptly to confirm receipt of the order with an inspection time. Thank you!
Company/Person Ordering the Appraisal
Today's Date:
* Person Ordering Appraisal
Company Ordering Appraisal (if applicable):
Company Street Address (or owner address for a private appraisal):
City / State / Zip:
* Phone #:
Email Address:
Appraisal Information:
* Purpose of Appraisal:
Sale / Purchase
Estate Planning
Power of attorney situation
Cash buyer (second opinon of value)
Listing Purposes
Hard Money Loan
Retrospective appraisal for 70s, 80s, or 90s
YGreen Energy Program
Removal of PMI
2nd Opinion of Value
Tax Grievance
Immigration Issue
Lot Split
Tax Planning
Other (explain below)
Type of Form Required:
I am not sure
GPAR - General Purpose Appraisal Form
Drive-by (Exterior Only)
Desktop Appraisal
2-4 Unit Appraisal
Other (explain below)
Additional Forms (if applicable):
Rental Survey (extra fee for this)
Other (explain below)
* Payment Type (to be collected from client above unless otherwise stated):
Check / Cash
Venmo (Ryan-Lundquist-916)
Zelle (I can be found by my email and 916-595-3735)
Apple Pay
Credit Card Payment (processing fee of $25 added to fee)
Other (explain below)
Loan Type (if applicable):
Not Applicable
Hard Money
Farm Home Loan
Property to be Appraised
* Property Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
Contact Person for Entry to the Property:
Phone Number:
NOTE: The completed appraisal will be delivered electronically as a PDF.
Additional Information:
Comments/Special Instructions (please let us know anything you feel we should know about the property or situation surrounding the appraisal):
* Indicated Required Response
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