Board Meeting Public Comment Signup - Agenda Items

Sign up to make a comment to the Board of Trustees at their upcoming meeting. 
This form is used to sign up for comment on items that appear on the meeting's agenda.  If you wish to sign up to comment on a non-agenda item, please sign up using this form.
There are 10 spots available on each public comment portion (agenda and non-agenda items) for a 3-minute or less comment. 
You must be present at the Board meeting to make a comment. Call Darlene Davis in the Superintendent's office at 307-771-2121 if you need assistance or have questions.
Are you a student? * 🛈

The following information will be shared before the public comment portion of the agenda:

The purpose of the Board meeting is to conduct the business of the district publicly. The Board sincerely values community input and feedback on school operations and welcomes public comment on both agenda and non-agenda items. Individuals wishing to comment during a board meeting must sign up by 5:45 pm on the day of the meeting. Sign-up for public comment can be done electronically by accessing the form available on BoardDocs, under the Public Comment portion of the meeting agenda.  Alternatively, individuals may also contact Darlene Davis to be added to the electronic sign-up sheet. 

We will begin by hearing public comment on agenda items, followed by public comment on non-agenda items. Please keep in mind, this is a time for board members to listen and consider, but not to comment or debate.      

The Board asks that all speakers: 

1.  State your first and last name

2.  Keep your comments to 3 minutes or less.

3.  If you wish to discuss a personnel issue regarding an individual employee (such as the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of an employee), this will not be done during the public comment portion of the meeting. Such comments should be directed to the assistant superintendent of human resources or to the Board during executive session. 

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