Nutrition Services Parent Survey

Where does your student normally get lunch on school days? Mark all that apply.
How often does your student eat meals prepared by the school?
In general, how healthy do you think the school food is? Mark one.
Do you feel a lot of waste is being generated in the meal program?
0/255 characters
If your student packs a sack lunch regularly or rarely buys a school lunch, why? Mark all that apply.
Does your student have enough time to eat?
My student gets enough to eat at school meals.
How do you know the daily lunch and menu choices at school? Select all that apply.
Do you use Myschoolbucks online payment system?
Do you ever join your student for breakfast or lunch?
Do you ever bring in fast food for your student?
Please choose all the following eco-friendly and environmentally sustainable practices you would like the district to follow:
What is the best way to communicate changes and updates to you as a parent? Mark all that apply.
What is your overall satisfaction with your school’s food service?
This survey is anonymous. If you would like to be contacted about any of your responses, please give your name and contact information below.