Returning Employee Information

Save & Return

Please create a save and return account so that you can return to your form and upload payroll forms as you complete or receive them.  
If you are a returning camp staff member, you will also be required to attend the Camp Open House on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, from 5:00p.m. until 7:00p.m.  I forgot to include it in your original email.  

Payroll details and forms for this year.  
Did you have direct deposit set up last summer for payroll? (This is required in 2024) (Please provide HR Person with a voided check if it is not already set up) *

Do you have any changes to your personal information for payroll purposes (e.g. marital status, dependents)? *
Do you have any changes to your emergency contact information? *

If you are a returning lifeguard, do you need to be recertified?

Camp Staff Must Provide new copies of clearances for this year.  If you completed them within the last 5 years of June 1, 2024 they are still valid.  Just make sure to fill out the clearance verification form and upload that to this form.  
If you are a returning counselor, do you need to update your clearances for this coming summer? (Processed in the last 5 years)

Minor's:  If you are under the age of 18, please make sure to provide the following documentation for this summer.  

Conflicts and Vacations
You agree that you understand the information that was provided to you in staff welcome back email and understand the staffing requirements for this coming season. *
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