Dear reader,
International Health Policies (IHP) started around 2010 as a relatively short newsletter on global health policies, with 10-20 reads a week and heavy focus on the Lancet on Friday morning. Over the years, the newsletter has evolved into a more comprehensive knowledge management tool with a focus on global health policies, global health governance and health policy & systems research (HPSR). The thematic coverage has also evolved with the times, and in line with the global health policy agenda, going from the MDGs to the SDGs health era, and more recently, covering the COVID-19 pandemic and increasingly planetary health. Throughout the years however, IHP has maintained its goal of being a weekly ‘one stop shop’ to ensure that you’re fully up to date after scanning the newsletter.
After some reformatting, the newsletter now features six sections: an Intro; a Featured Article; Highlights of the Week; Global Health Events; a series of Thematic Sections; and finally, a section on papers/reports/blogs/podcasts.
We need your feedback to further improve the structure, style, and content of the newsletter, so we would appreciate you filling out the questionnaire below. It will take no longer than 15 minutes.
We would like to complement the survey with some (short) interviews. Please indicate at the end of the survey if you we could contact you.
If you want to participate in the draw to win one of the ten 50-euros book vouchers, please leave us your e-mail at the end of the survey.
Many thanks in advance!
Best wishes,
The editorial team