Dear all,

As many of you know, the International Health Policies (IHP) newsletter aims to be a weekly aggregator of the most important global health policy news, events & publications in the health SDG and planetary health era, with a special focus on health policy and systems research, global health governance, and LMICs.

We look forward to receiving your feedback on the newsletter, whether you are a regular reader or not.


The editorial team

Section 1

1) Gender
2) Age
4) Where are you based?
5) Global health area: Do you consider yourself to be?
6) Professional category 🛈
7) How long have you been subscribed to the newsletter?

Use of newsletter

8) Do you read it on your: 🛈
10) Are you satisfied with receiving the newsletter once a week?
13) How often do you estimate you use the newsletter?
14) If you open the newsletter, do you usually: 🛈
17) For what do you use the material? 🛈
18) Would/have you recommend(ed) the newsletter to others?
In the next section you can give your feedback on the content, style, format...

Section 2

Content, structure & paradigm

Please rank on a scale of 0-10 (0= not at all, and 10 = very much)
20) Do you like the overall content of the newsletter (selection of items, etc.)?
21) Do you like the rather wide-ranging subject coverage of the newsletter (which includes planetary health, global governance for health, health broadly defined in the SDG era, and more)?
22) Do you think there is enough balance between "voices" from the Global North & South, enough of ‘switching the poles’? 🛈
Please rank on a scale of 0-10 (0= not at all, and 10 = very much)
24) Do you like the structure of the newsletter?
25) How do you like the intro?
26) How do you like the featured articles?
27) How do you like the highlights section?
28) How do you like the second part of the newsletter (i.e. other sections)?

Style of writing

Please rank on a scale of 0-10 (0= not at all, and 10 = very much)
29) Do you like the style of the intro?
30) Do you like the style of the rest of the newsletter? (chunks of key text, some sentences in bold, sometimes very little comments, …)?

Format & navigation


Please rank on a scale of 0-10 (0= not at all, and 10 = very much)
32) Is it easy to navigate the newsletter?
33) Do you think the current format facilitates scanning?
IHP and other newsletters
36) Do you read other global health newsletter(s)?