June 2023 Survey

Your Details

Have I seen you before? *
Do you use or visit Twitter? *
Do you follow me on Twitter? *

Media & Entertainment

Have you ever gone to see a movie at a movie theater alone? *
Who is the better actor, Robert De Niro or Al Pacino? *
Do you like the genre of Mob & Gangster movies and TV shows? *
Is there a song that, whenever you hear it, makes you instantly think of a movie or a specific scene in a movie? *


Have you ever booked a date with a companion before? *
How would you sum up your first date with a companion? *
What features and details are most likely to affect your decision to book a date with a companion? Please check all that apply. *
What's your general feeling about companions who showcase *luxury* as the main part of their marketing? In this case, luxury means extravagant & expensive traveling, designer clothes, shoes, purses, jewelry, etc. *
Have you ever been harassed, stalked, or threatened by a companion? *
Have you ever canceled a date with a companion after seeing something she posted on social media? *

All About Megan

Is there a movie or TV show you think I would enjoy and would like me to rate and review? *
Would you pay to see me mud wrestle my enemies? *
Please give me an honest evaluation of my websites(MyMeganMissMeganLoveMLPhotos) and my online persona. This would be your general view after seeing my websites, surveys, and social media(Twitter).
(1=horrible, 10=excellent) *
Photo Quality12345678910
Photo Diversity12345678910
Website Design12345678910
Website Updates12345678910
Which Megan do you prefer? *