FHC Religious Education COVID Pledge

Archdiocese of Chicago
Office of Lifelong Formation
3525 South Lake Park Avenue
Chicago, IL 60653
Dear Parents,

We look forward to welcoming you and your children back to our religious education (RE) and youth ministry (YM) programs soon.

This year, we will have fewer restrictions but will still need your partnership to help ensure our programs again provide a safe learning environment and remain open without undue interruption. We ask you to read carefully the following statements and verify by signing on the line below that you understand and agree to these measures.
To those ends, we ask that you pledge the following: *
It is our hope that complying with the guidance of public health authorities, including the current mask mandate, will keep our families, volunteers and staff safe and help bring the pandemic under control. We join Pope Francis, Cardinal Cupich and our bishops in urging all to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and in praying for everyone affected by the pandemic.

Kind regards,
Office of Lifelong Formation
By signing this pledge, I promise to follow these safety measures for the good of our parish community and the common good.
For Electronic Submissions - I acknowledge and accept my typed name and signature (below) will serve as a valid electronic signature. This electronic signature is the legal equivalent of my manual signature on this document.
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature: *