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Honors Academy Application


For priority consideration, the application must be submitted on MARCH 1, 2023 by 5:00 p.m.  (Pacific Standard Time). 

(There will be no exceptions)

Student Information

Student's Current Grade Level *
Is this your first time applying to the EEP? *
Select all that apply *
Would you be the first in your family to attend college? *

Family Contact Information

Parent/Guardian's highest level of education achieved? (1) *

Parent/Guardian's highest level of education achieved? (2) *

Student Essay Questions

The Early Entrance Program is a pathway to university admission through the Cal State LA Honors College. The Honors College prepares exceptional students to create a brighter future by becoming experts in their discipline of choice and develop into well-rounded leaders dedicated to making a difference in their communities and the world. In a Word document, please construct a personal reflection including personal examples to support your answers. There is a 500 word limit for each question.

0/500 words
0/500 words
0/500 words

File Uploads

If you do not have your ACT or SAT score report at this time, please be sure to provide your score report via email no later than April 14, 2022. This is the only document that we will accept via email.

Letter Of Recommendation Guidelines

Upon receipt of the student application, a template for the letters of recommendation will be sent directly from EEP staff to the recommender and all documents will be returned directly to EEP Staff. The recommender should be able to attest to the applicant’s behavior and maturity level as well as their anticipated ability to successfully perform college coursework and independently thrive in a college environment. 

Please note: At least (2) recommendation letters must come from the student's current or previous academic year teachers. Recommendation forms from friends or family members will not be accepted, regardless of the professional background of the individual. The provided form template must be used – we will not accept other formats for letters of recommendation. 

Important: All letters of recommendation must be received by March 1, 2023. It is the student's responsibility to inform their recommenders that a recommendation request will be sent by EEP Staff. Incomplete letters of recommendation will result in an incomplete application.

In accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Acts of 1974 (Public Law 93-380), I will be able to review recommendation letters only if I am admitted to and enroll in the Early Entrance Program, and only if the program retains the letters.
By signing below I hereby confirm that I have read and understood the statement above. Parent/ Legal Guardian's Signature *
By signing below I hereby confirm that I have read and understood the statement above. Student's Signature *
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