New Hope Preschool & Education Center Kindergarten Early Registration 2025-2026


Classroom Information

Program description can be found on our website by clicking on the ‘Kindergarten’ tab.

Age Requirements: child must be 5 by September 30, 2025.

Copy of child's birth certificate must be received by May 1, 2025.

I/We understand ALL children will be offered a speech and hearing screening.

I/We understand that state guidelines for Kindergarten require children to receive at least 455 hours of instruction a year.

I/We understand that if our child does not attend 455 hours of instruction, they will not complete the program.

I/We understand that the Kindergarten curriculum is aligned with the State of Ohio Common Core.

I/We understand that KG lesson plans and activities are aligned with the State of Ohio KG standards and will include; Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science. Large Muscle/Health, Art, Music and Children's Bible study will also be part of our curriculum. 

I/We understand that there are 4 reporting periods: November, January, March, and May.

I/We understand that my child's records will only be shared by signing a Permission to Release records form filed in the school office, prior to any release.

I/We understand that our child will need to sign up for the New Hope Kindergarten screeening in March 2025.

I/We understand that if, after the screening, the staff does not feel that your child would benefit from our program your registration fee will be refunded.


Program Policies

  1. I/We will complete and return the required paperwork found on the school website by May 1, 2025. If I enroll after that date, I understand that I will have one week to complete paperwork.
  2. I/We understand that students MUST be toilet trained to attend our school program.
  3. I/We understand that in the event my child is having any problems, a conference will be arranged between the parents and the staff.  New Hope Preschool and Education Center reserves the right to terminate enrollment of your child, if, in the opinion of the staff it is not beneficial for the child to continue in the program or if their enrollment is detrimental to other children.
  4. Withdrawal Policy:  Because our excellent student/teacher ratios affect our budget, we plan on your child’s enrollment for the entire year.  A 30-day notice is required for your child’s withdrawal from the program.  Withdrawal requests must be made in writing. 
  5.  I/We understand the importance of keeping medical information and contact information up to date with NHPEC. I/We understand that the Ohio Revised Code requires children to be immunized. I/We also understand that our child must be immunized in order to attend. If a child is not up to date on his/her immunizations, it must be accompanied by a signed note from your doctor with an explanation. Our board will then consider your request for enrollment.

Payment Information

1. I/We understand that there is a non-refundable registration fee of $100 for your first child. Additional sibling registration fee is $50. The non-refundable registration and supply fee ($200) amounts will be collected within 48 hours of registration.

2. I/We understand Kindergarten tuition is $550 per installment and the last installment (May 2026) of nine installments is due May 1, 2025 and is non-refundable. Failure to pay by the deadline may cause your child's spot to be forfeited. I/We understand that each installment for tuition is due on the 1st of each month and a late fee of $25.00 will be assessed on the 5th day of the month if not paid.  New Hope Preschool and Education Center reserves the right to terminate enrollment if tuition fees are not kept current. 

3. Tuition Express allows us to automatically process your tuition payments from your checking or savings account. This is the only form of payment accepted for tuition, lunch n munch, special programs, and summer camps. 

 a. I/We understand that Tuition Express is the only form of payment for monthly tuition installments for the school year. 

 b. I/We understand that payment in full can be paid by May 1, 2025 only through Tuition Express.

Parent/Guardian Signature *
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