Glen Park Indoor Rock Climbing Waiver

By registering in any SF Recreation & Parks Department activity, you agree to the terms and conditions of the following:
I recognize that risk of injury or potential health risk may be involved in participation in the programs offered by the City of San Francisco Recreation & Park Department. I hereby willingly assume such risk of injury or health risk for myself or for the persons for whom I am lawfully responsible and assume full responsibility before, during and after my/their participation in the programs/activity offered by the City of San Francisco Recreation & Park Department. In consideration of the acceptance of my application and the permission to participate in programs offered by the City of San Francisco Recreation & Park Department, I, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns hereby release, waive, and forever discharge the City of San Francisco, all other organizations, associations and companies associated with any of the programs offered by the City of San Francisco, and their respective agents, employees, officials, servants, contractors, representatives, elected and appointed officials, successors and assigns of and from all claims, demands, damages costs and actions whatsoever and however caused, arising or to arise by reason of my participation in the programs or activities or any of its associated activities.
By checking this box, you agree to our Indoor Rock Climbing terms. *
Guardian Signature: *
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