Summit Private Training
Athlete Information
Player First Name
Player Last Name
Parent Name
Parent Phone
Email Address
Secondary Email Address
Postal Code
Date of Birth
Hospitalization Number
Medical Conditions
Current Club Team
Primary Position
How many sessions?
Training session package prices.
Individual Player - 1 Session ($60)
Small Group 2 players ($85)
Small Group 3 Players ($115)
Small Group 4 Players ($145)
Please select the coach for your private sessions.
Kaylan Gazda
Stacey Laing
Mark Harrison
Hayley Cattell
The coach who available soonest
No preference
Please describe training goal and preferred day/time for session.
For Group Training Sessions please list all athletes full name who are attending.
Permission/Liability Waiver
Liability Waiver
By checking this box, I am acknowledging to have read the Summit Inc. Permission/Liability Waiver and refund policy as posted on our website, and I am in agreement with its terms and conditions.
Photo/Video Permission
By checking this box, I am giving permission to Summit Volleyball to take photographs or videos of my participant for promotional, website and social media use. The names of participants will not be published.
Email Consent
By checking this box, I am providing my express consent to communicate electronically. I understand that my consent may be withdrawn at any time by emailing or by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our emails.
Refund Policy
By checking this box, above I agree to the terms of the Summit Volleyball refund policy. All private training payments are final and no refunds will be issued. All private training purchases expire 1 year from purchase date.
Confirmation of Booking With Coaches
By checking this box I acknowledge that I have confirmed requested bookings with a coach that will suit my athletes goals and in the timeline that is preferred! With a high demand for training we want to make sure we can get you in in the timeframe you'd like. Thanks!
Finalize your registration!
Coupon Code