Business Information
Business name:
Business website:
Business phone number:
Business address:
Zip code
*Does the business have a Sales Tax ID or Certificate of Resale?
Yes, I will provide the documentation as needed
No, I am not licensed for resale at this time
*REQUIRED for retailers located in the U.S.A. (exceptions: Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire & Oregon). You will need to provide a copy of your certificate before final approval. If you are exempt, please enter that information below.
Tell us a little about your business:
Business Contact Information
Buyer's name:
Buyer's Title:
Buyer's Email:
Buyer's phone number:
If your billing information is different from the buyer's information, please provide theat information below.
Billing contact name:
Billing address:
Billing phone number:
Billing contact email:
Product Interest
Please select which item(s) you are interested in for your business:
Soy Wax Candles, and/or Wax Melts
Moustache & Beard Oils
All Cedar & Scotch Products
How did you first learn about Cedar & Scotch?
eSignature Confirmation & Acknowledgement
By checking the boxes below, I affirm that I am authorized to purchase goods and/or services on behalf of the business listed above. I affirm that the information listed above is true and accurate. I hereby consent to electronic communications from Cedar & Scotch.
Please mark your response below.
I do affirm
I do not affirm
First & Last Name:
Today's date: