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*All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields.

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SECTION 1: Nominator Information

SECTION 2: Nominee Information

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Young Woman of Distinction Age Verification *

SECTION 3: YWCA Vision and Mission Alignment

The YWCA Metro Vancouver Women of Distinction Awards seeks nominations for individuals who exemplify and drive positive change, whether through their direct actions or as inspirational figures. Nominees must have activities and achievements that align with the YWCA’s mission and vision. Their engagement in work, leisure, or specific interests should reflect and promote the essence of gender equity, as defined by the YWCA Metro Vancouver’s mission and vision. Should a nominee’s past or present behavior or statements undermine the YWCA’s reputation or question the integrity of the award, the YWCA holds the authority to revoke a nomination or an award. Nominations can be withdrawn by either the nominee or the nominator for any reason, provided this is done in writing up to two weeks prior to the awards ceremony. Such withdrawals will be recognized and processed by the YWCA with immediate effect.

YWCA Vision and Mission Alignment *

SECTION 4: Connecting The Community Award Participation

The Connecting the Community award provides an opportunity for Women of Distinction nominees to gain recognition through social media, as well as raise awareness for YWCA Metro Vancouver’s programs. In addition to the category in which she was nominated for, all individual nominees are eligible for an additional award category called Connecting the Community. This is the only Award where the recipient of this award will be determined via online vote. For more information please visit

Connecting The Community Award Participation *

SECTION 5: Photo Session Availability

SECTION 6: Nominee Criteria

Criteria 1: List 3 or more examples of how the individual has shown vision and initiative to break new ground or old barriers for the chosen category. Please be specific and concise. Avoid subjective language. Type responses below.

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Criteria 2: List 3 or more examples of how the individual has demonstrated key accomplishments that help them stand out among their peers for the chosen category. Please be specific and concise. Avoid subjective language. Type responses below.

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Criteria 3: List 3 or more examples how the individual is a leader and role model within the chosen category. Please be specific and concise. Avoid subjective language. Type responses below.

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Criteria 4: ​List 3 or more volunteer activities the individual has participated in within their field and related to the chosen category. Please indicate how many hours have been volunteered for each example. Please be specific and concise. Avoid subjective language. Type responses below.

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Criteria 5: List 3 or more examples of how they have been recognized by the community for their sustained commitment and accomplishments within the chosen category (i.e. awards, accolades). Please be specific and concise. Avoid subjective language. Type responses below.

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SECTION 7: Summary of Nomination

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SECTION 8: Submitting Your Nomination Information Checklist

Validating Residence *
Validating Review by Nominee *
Validating Accuracy & Completeness *
Background Validation *
Validating Consent *

SECTION 9: MANDATORY Letters of Support

In order for your nomination to be considered complete, you must upload three MANDATORY letters of support. It is very important that your letters are addressed to the YWCA Nominations Committee, PDF formatted, letter-sized, one-page ONLY, under 1 MB and using a font size of 10 or greater.

Submit Your Nomination

When you have completed the required information in this form, click 'Submit' below to complete your nomination submission. If you have any questions, please email Jena Fair at