The Board of Education always encourages direct parent-teacher communication as being most helpful to children of the District. If you have a question, comment, or concern about your child's education, you should first contact your child's teacher.
You can find teacher email links on our staff directory page here
or by navigating to the staff directory page for each individual building.
If you are not satisfied with the results at that level, you should discuss the matter with the principal of the school your child attends by calling their office or contacting them using the form below. If this doesn't produce a satisfactory solution, you are free to contact the directors and/or the district office team.
Name (Individual submitting this form)
Sender Email Address
You can contact me via e-mail.
Sender Contact Number
Contact the Frank J. Carasiti Elementary School:
Mr. Westerlund, FJC Principal
Ms. Pletka, FJC Assistant Principal
Contact the Joseph A. Edgar Intermediate School:
Ms. Greening, JAE Principal
Mr. Paquette, JAE Assistant Principal
Contact the Rocky Point Middle School:
Mrs. Meyers, MS Principal
Dr. Herbert, MS Assistant Principal
Mr. Goldstein, MS Dean
Contact the Rocky Point High School:
Mr. Moeller, HS Principal
Mr. Gabriel, Assistant Principal
Ms. Lawson, Assistant Principal
Mr. Scalfani, Dean
Contact the Director of Community Education
Ms. Giammarella, Community and Driver Ed
Contact the Directors and Assistant Directors:
Mr. Rufa, Athletics, PE, Health, and Intramural Director
Mrs. Serrano, Humanities Director K-12 / Home Schooling
Dr. Christian, Math, Science and Technology Director K-12 / Home Schooling
Mrs. Moscatiello, Special Education Director
Ms. Randazzo, Director of Secondary Special Education
Ms. Burleson, Special Education Assistant Director
Mr. Reyes, Director of Technology
Contact the District Office Administration
Ms. White, Executive Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Dr. Factor, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
Mrs. Crossan, Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Van Cott, Assistant Superintendent for Business
Dr. O'Brien, Superintendent of Schools
Central Registration--Ms. Agresto FJC
Ms. Hall--Director of Child Nutrition
Mr. Robb--Assistant Plant Facilities Manager
Contact the Rocky Point Health Offices
FJC Health Office
JAE Health Office
MS Health Office
HS Health Office