Greetings Okemo Competition Families!
As we make the transition from summer to fall and sports seasons begin, the OMARA Board Of Directors is looking forward to another great season at Okemo.
We will be using the Electronic Membership signup Link like the last two seasons. The Okemo Mountain / Competition Center will "NOT" be collecting OMARA Membership Dues At Competition Program signups. You can join OMARA by using this sign up form and completing the information below, or by visiting our web site The attached form link is easy to use and will only take a few minutes to complete.
OMARA membership provides important benefits to you and your athletes:
- The Boot Pro, Northern and Totem Pole all provide up to a 20% discount to OMARA members! OMARA has decided "NOT" to issue Membership Cards this season. We will update the shops on a weekly basis with a "Membership List". Just let the shops know your family name when you are making your purchase. As you know, snow sports are expensive and this discount more than offsets the cost of membership and supports our local ski shops. OMARA is proud to partner with these shops so please give them a shout out next time you are in the shops.
- OMARA has a long history of supporting our athletes through the OMARA Scholarship Program! Every year OMARA, with generous support from the local community and Okemo Mountain, provides scholarships to help offset the costs of participating and competing in our competition programs helping to make our programs available to more athletes. These Scholarships and grants are only available to active OMARA Members
- OMARA has helped local community kids programs that particpate in winter sports programs.
- OMARA donated $2500 each to the Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce and the OMS Flood Relief Fund
- OMARA partnered with OMS and the OMS Flood Relief Fund to help raise more than $77,000.00 for flood relief efforts.
- OMARA is purchasing $7000.00 of fencing this season purchased through an awarded match grant from the Kelly Brush Foundation which will get the program 20 new rolls of fencing.
- OMARA pays for program en-hancements that are not funded in the Comp Center & OMS budgets
- Cameras - OMARA paid for the cameras installed on War Dance and the new cameras last season on the Pipe and Crazy Train and pays all yearly costs associated with the feeds, which can be viewed at
- Video Cameras - Last season OMARA purchased Video Camera's for the competition programs. This is a very important tool for the coaches' and atheletes.
- OMS - OMARA supports OMS through donations, social media, emails and through head coaching requests
- Coaching - OMARA pays for Okemo Coaches’ certifications and education
- Community - OMARA hosts happy hours and events for our families to get together during the season
- In the past, OMARA has paid for Timing Equipment, Yurt Enhancements, Coaching Video Equipment, a significant donation to build the OMS gym silo for the training trampoline, an air bag, and advocates for families and coaches every season.
- OMARA will be updating our Web Site this season and soon will feature "links" to apply for our year round Scholarships and other OMARA benifets and programs.
A strong family organization is an important part of an athletic program. We hope you will continue to support OMARA, so OMARA can continue to provide our important support to the Okemo athletic community!
We would also like to thank our Ski Shop and our Advertising Sponsors for their generous contribution's to OMARA. Thank you!
The OMARA Board wishes you all a happy fall and we look forward to seeing each other in person on the slopes and at our favorite Okemo venues soon!
Our Mission Statement:
"OMARA is a non-profit organization that helps to support the development of the Okemo Competition Center's atheletes and provides pipelines to winter sports participation to any child that wishes to pursue snow sports at Okemo"