604-498-3233 | info@surreychristian.com | www.surreychristian.com


Choosing the right school for your child(ren) is one of the most important decisions you will make as parents. If your child was born in 2020, they will be ready to start Kindergarten in September 2025. Please join us at our Kindergarten Open House to hear about Surrey Christian School's vision, mission and Christ-centered approach to education. 

Please choose a time that would work best for you. Enjoy a presentation and campus tours, visit kindergarten classrooms and meet our staff.  

Tuesday, March 11 (morning or evening)

Tuesday, April 15 (evening)

If you have any questions, email Annette Van Randen at admissions@surreychristian.com.

Will the child(ren) attend the Open House? (optional) *
The year your child will enter Kindergarten *
Which Open House would you like to attend? Check one time that works best for you. *
Grade level(s) you are interested in. Check all that apply. *
Does your child receive learning support? *
Does your child have IEP? *
How did you hear about us? *
Do you attend a local church? *