Scholarship Funds

Check those for which you meet most of the criteria: *

LTEF scholarships are for graduating seniors of Lake Travis High School.

DUE DATE: Monday, March 10th, 2025 - MIDNIGHT
The application must be completed in one sitting - progress cannot be saved. 

The LTEF scholarship process is open!  We are asking scholarship applicants to complete this online application, SUBMIT BELOW, and then upload the following required documents to our new LTEF Scholarships Applicant Upload Form 

Complete this online application and SUBMIT BELOW by Midnight, Monday, March 10, 2025. There will be no exceptions.  The application must be completed in one sitting - progress cannot be saved.  

Please also upload the following at LTEF Scholarships Applicant Upload Form:

1) Your 7-semester transcript (Transcripts issued prior to the end of the 7th semester will not qualify your application for further review.)

2) Two signed letters of professional reference (non-relatives) 

3)  Optional: Your ACT or SAT scores

All uploaded items are also due by Monday, March 10th, 2025 no later than 12:00 MIDNIGHT

NOTE: Some named scholarship funds may not be awarded if adequate funding is not available in a given year.  Additionally, if applicants do not meet the established guidelines, funds may be held over to future award years.

Applicant Information

Schools Attended


List schools to which you are applying in order of preference, and note whether you've been accepted.

Personal Statements

Please fill in areas below with all pertinent information that you want the committee to review.  No "resumes" or other information will be distributed to the scholarship committee.

Submission Instructions

STEP 2: Submit This Application Below

Submit your online application form by using the button that follows. All forms must be submitted online no later than 12:00 MIDNIGHT on the night of the deadline. This form will automatically close, and late applications cannot be accepted.

STEP 3: Wait for Interview Notice
You will be notified by email if you have qualified for an interview.

Your online application form must be SUBMITTED BELOW and transcript plus signed reference letters uploaded by the deadlines set.  You will receive a copy of your submission to the email you provide.   It is the student's responsibility to be sure that recommendation letters are uploaded by the deadline.  To be fair to all applicants, we must adhere to this policy. The application must be completed in one sitting - progress cannot be saved.  No allowances will be given for "computer problems," so we encourage you to not wait until the last minute. Apply early!