Wasatch Figure Skating Club – Learn to Skate (Weber County Sports Complex)

2025 Spring Ice Show Production - Learn to Perform Program

“Toe Pick Time Machine”

Tribute to the 80's

April 25 & 26, 2025

Learn to Skate - Participant Application & Agreement

Learn to Skate (LTS) group skating programs will be featured as part of the WFSC Spring Ice Show. Please complete the requested information below and submit by March 21, 2025. $10 late fee will be applied after March 21; No entries will be accepted after March 23, 2025.   

DATES AND TIMES: This year’s show is scheduled for Friday, April 25, and Saturday, April 26, 6:30 p.m.

Skater Information
Once registration ends, skaters will receive their ice show group assignments through email. The Show Director and choreographers will communicate ice show updates and important information through email. Please be sure to check your email periodically. This method makes it easier to get information out to everyone at once. If you would prefer to text, please let us know. Please note: text messages may be long or multiple and part of a group text.
I prefer to be contacted through *
2024 Wasatch Figure SKating Club Spring Show Production Agreement

Fees for Participation:

Cost: $55 (this includes choreography, ice time, skate rental, and participation in two nights of performance in our show) 

$65.00 After March 21 (late fee).

No Applications will be accepted after March 23

Fees for Participation: Fees may be paid by cash or check (to WFSC) in an envelope with the name of the skater to be turned in to Letitia Ahrensback personally on or before the first night of rehearsals. Payment may also be turned in to the Ice Sheet's front desk during Learn to Skate. Skaters may also pay online through their bank with Zelle to the Wasatch Figure Skating Club.      

Additional Costs: Costume fees are the skater’s responsibility. The assigned coach will determine costumes. Every effort will be made to keep costumes affordable.

Preferred method of payment *

GROUP NUMBERS: Depending on the number of skaters who sign up, skaters will be divided into groups. Group numbers will be assigned based on age and/or skating level. Music will be assigned to each group that fits with the theme and flow of the show. A coach will be assigned to each group number and will be your primary contact for all show-related questions. You may also contact the Show Director Letitia Ahrensback with questions about the Learn to Skate group numbers for the ice show.

Letitia Ahrensback skatewithtish@live.com 801 309-5817

PRACTICES: Rehearsals will be held on Wednesdays March 26 and will run through April 23, 2025, 5:00-5:30 with a MANDATORY DRESS REHEARSAL for ALL SKATERS participating in the show which will be held on the last day of rehearsals Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 4:30–6:45.

Rehearsal Date and Times: Please plan to arrive early for practice so that you can be on the ice ready to start at 5:00.

Wednesday, March 26, 5:00-5:30

Wednesday, April 2, 5:00-5:30

Wednesday, April 9, 5:00-5:30

Wednesday, April 16, 5:00-5:30

Wednesday, April 23, 4:30-6:45

Attendance is important for skaters to learn their program in the short rehearsal time that we have. Skaters are expected to be on time for rehearsals. Please plan to arrive early enough to get your skates on and be on the ice ready to start at the designated time. Please notify your group choreographer if you are unable to attend practice to have it excused. Skaters may not have more than one excused absence for group practices. NO SHOWS will be considered unexcused. More than one absence will result in a withdrawal from the 2025 Spring Show, no refunds will be given.

Mandatory Dress Rehearsal: There will be one mandatory dress rehearsal for ALL SKATERS participating in the show. The rehearsal will be held on Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 4:30–6:45.

Costumes: Costumes will be determined by the coach and members of each group. The skater is responsible for all additional costume costs. Every effort will be made to keep costumes affordable. Please let your choreographer know if you would like to volunteer to help with planning and making costumes.

Tickets: Tickets will be available online for pre-buying/selling. FAMLIES will receive ONE chaperone ticket for each night of the show. (one per family). More information on how to buy tickets online will be available at a later date. Your coach will inform you when tickets are available.

I do hereby give my permission for my child/skater (participant as named above) to participate in the WFSC 2025 Spring Show Production. I have read through and agree to the terms of this agreement and have been given every opportunity to ask questions through either email or text. I understand that my failure to follow these guidelines may result in my child/skater not participating in the WFSC 2025 Spring Show Production. I agree to the terms of the Participation Agreement and understand that payment in full of all fees is required by the first rehearsal March 26, 2025 in order for my skater to participate.
Parent Signature for Skater Participation *
This release is for photographs, videos, and interviews that may be released, shown, and printed to various media before, during and after the Spring Ice Show. I do hereby grant the Wasatch Figure Skating Club the right to use my name and photograph and my child’s name and photograph for club-sponsored activities, including but not limited to the Wasatch Figure Skating Club Social Media Pages (Facebook and Instagram), Ice Show Promotion and the WFSC website. Parent Signature for Skater Participation *


I (Parent or Guardian) Understand that figure skating can be a challenging and dangerous sport and certify that my child is in reasonable health and that I will not hold the Wasatch Figure Skating Club responsible for any injury that my child may incur while participating in, or volunteering at or otherwise engaged in figure skating. I also understand that I will not hold liable any member of the Wasatch Figure Skating Club, including its Board of Directors, for any injury incurred while engaging in figure skating. I uphold the US Figure Skating Code of Conduct and am respectful to parents, coaches, rink staff and other skaters. I understand that if I feel I need to make a claim against a member of the Wasatch Figure Skating Club for an incident that has occurred at a US Figure Skating Sanctioned event, including shows, test sessions, and competitions, the Weber County Ice Sheet, or at any Wasatch Figure Skating Club sponsored activity, I need to write and sign a formal complaint addressed to the Executive Board Members so that the US Figure Skating Code of Conduct, USFSA GR 1.02 may be enforced. I understand the difference between the Wasatch Figure Skating Club and Weber County Ice Sheet sponsored activities, but recognize that Wasatch Figure Skating Club members represent US Figure Skating at all times. I also understand that I am entitled to discuss the complaint with the presence of one or more Executive Board members in confidentiality but I may not discuss the complaint with anyone who is not directly involved with the situation.

Parent Signature for Skater Participation *
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Completing this online form is an agreement that the skater and parent have both read the entire application and will follow ice show guidelines. Both the skater and parent will do what they can to make this the best experience for everybody involved. Please fill out and return as soon as possible.

This form is required for participation in the show.  
Questions about this show, future shows or about the Wasatch Figure Skating Club Email Coach Letitia Ahrensback or Text at 801-309-5817. You can also check out www.wasatchfigureskating.org