Baptism Intake for Holy Rosary Church-Seattle

This is Holy Rosary-Seattle's Baptism Intake form from Birth through age 6.  For age 7 and older, please email Sr. Stella at Thank you, Deyette Swegle
Child's Gender *
Please indicate parish of intended baptism *
We require proof of birth information, please provide a copy of the child's birth certificate scanned and emailed to or brought into the parish office attention Deyette Swegle.

Contact information

Parent/Guardian 1 Information
Please indicate which Roman Catholic Sacraments (if any) received by the Father of the child: *
Parent/Guardian 2 Information (if not available please enter N/A)
Please indicate which Roman Catholic Sacraments (if any) received by the Mother of the child: *
Are you married? *
Sacrament of Matrimony: If you are married, did you get married in a Catholic Church with a bishop, priest, deacon presiding? OR Did you receive permission from the Catholic Church to be married elsewhere? *
Have you previously attended Baptism Preparation Classes? *
Are you registered parishioners of Holy Rosary Parish in Seattle, Washington? *
Is one of the Child's parents/guardian's an actively Practicing Roman Catholic? *
If you have a child enrolled in Holy Rosary School, is it okay for us to announce your child's baptism in our efc?

Parish to be Baptized In

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