1st Reconciliation & 1st Communion 2023--2024 (Sacramental 2)

You are now registering your child with Holy Rosary Parish for Sacramental Preparation to receive First Reconciliation and First Communion.
Children's Sunday Faith Formation: Please fill out this registration in addition to the Sunday School Registration
Holy Rosary Parish
Seattle, Washington
Sr. Stella Abellon, Carm.O.L.
206-937-1488 ext. 252

Sacramental 2       2nd Grade (and/or 2nd year of Sacramental Preparation)

Following the guidelines of the Archdiocese of Seattle, children must have one year of religious instruction before being prepared for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion. Children are normally prepared for these two Sacraments in the second grade. If you have a first grader who is not attending a Catholic school, please make sure you have your child enrolled in Sacramental I of our Faith Formation program and regularly attending the class. If you have older children who have not yet received either of these two sacraments, please call Sr. Stella at (206) 937-1488 ext. 252 so we may arrange to have them prepared. 


Parent Agreement:
As I register my child with the Parish for Sacramental 2 preparation, I will support my child's commitment to the Sacrament by bringing him/her to Mass on the weekends. *

Please fill out a separate form for each child that you are registering for Sacraments. Thank you!


Gender *
Child's Religious Education: *
If your child was baptized in a Parish other than Holy Rosary we will need a copy of his/her baptism certificate, please scan and email to srstella@holyrosaryseattle.org or drop it by the Parish Office attention Sister Stella.
If your child was baptized in another Christian tradition (e.g., Protestant, non-denominational, Orthodox), please contact Sister Stella for more information.
Religious tradition baptized in: *
Does your child have any allergies? *
Permission to announce your child’s First Communion and other related celebrations in the Parish Bulletin and or Holy Rosary School newsletter? *
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