Student Consent Form for Voluntary Covid-19 Testing

The Wyndmere Public School District seeks to maintain a safe environment for employees, students, their families, and the community.  In addition to existing safety and prevention protocols for the Covid-19 virus, the District offers a free, voluntary BinaxNOW rapid test for students.  This test will be administered only upon written consent by the parent/legal guardian or adult student (18 years or older).  Completing and signing this form serves as consent for the BinaxNOW rapid test to be performed on your child or you (if student age 18 or older). 
COVID-19 Test Information
BinaxNOW is an antigen test that detects the presence of the SARS-CoV-2, which is the virus that causes a Covid-19 infection, in about 15 minutes.  If your child is symptomatic or part of a group that is designated for testing, if you consent, your child will receive a free BinaxNOW rapid test for the Covid-19 virus.  Collecting a specimen for testing involves using a swab, similar to a Q-Tip, placed inside the. tip of the nose.  A school staf member who has been trained to use this test will collect the specimen and a trained Covid-19 test administrator will oversee the process.  This ptogram is entirely optional for students, although we hope you choose to have the test to keep our schools as healthy and safe as possible.  The tests are being offered in addition to existing safety protocols such as recommended mask wearing, social distancing when possible, and frequent disinfection of surfaces.
Test results will be made available to the parent/guardian who signs this form below.  The results will be sent by text message within 24 hours of the test.  The test results will be shared with the North Dakota Department of Health for public health reporting.  Except as required by law, the District will keep test results and testing information confidential.
If your child or you (if student age 18 or older) tests positive for the virus, your child will be moved to a room away from other students and staff until you can pick him/her up.  We ask that you keep your child home until the infection period has ended (typically, after symptoms improve and at least 10 days from the date symptoms first appear) and your child is no longer contagious.  If your child's test results are negative, the virus was not found in the specimen tested and your child may continue to attend school without interruption.  Rapid antigen tests may produce incorrect negative results (called "false negatives") in individuals who have Covid-19.  You are strongly encouraged to contact their child's health care provider if symptoms consistent with an infection of Covid-19 develop or persist after a negative test result or if you have concerns regarding your child's test results.
Known Symptoms
People with Covid-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported - ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness.  Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.  People with these symptoms may have Covid 19:
 - Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit.
 - Loss of taste or smell
 - Cough
 - Difficulty breathing
 - Shortness of breath
 - Fatigue
 - Headache
 - Chills
 - Sore throat
 - Congestion or runny nose
 - Shaking or exaggerated shivering
 - Significant muscle pain or ache
 - Diarrhea
 - Nausea or vomiting
This list does not include all possible symptoms.
The District shall take reasonable precautions for the safety of all students.  Neither the test administrator, the District nor its employees are liable for any accidents, injuries, or other damages that may occur to your child or you arising out of or in any way connected to this consent or the administration, evaluation, results of the BinaxNOW rapid antigen test for the Covid-19 virus.

To Be Completed by Parent, Guardian, or Adult Student

Parent / Guardian Information
Please complete one form for eadch child enrolled in the District.
You will be notified with test results either via cell phone or email, or both.
Student Information
Race/Ethnicity *
Gender *


By signing below, I attest that:
A. I authorize the District or its designee to conduct collection and testing of my child or me (student 18 years or older) for Covid-19 by nasal swab.
B. I acknowledge that a positive test result is an indication that my child or me (student 18 years or older), must self-isolate, and also continue wearing a mask or face covering as directed in an effort to avoid infecting others.
C. I understand that this test is completely voluntary, is being provided as a courtesy, and is not required by the District for enrollment or education purposes.
D. I understand the District is not acting as my child's or my (student 18 years or older) medical provider, this testing does not replace treatment by my child's or my medical provider, and I assume complete and full responsibility to make appropriate action with regards to my child's or my test results.  I agree I shall seek medical advice, care, adn treatment from my child's or my medical provider if I have questions or concerns, or if their/my condition worsens.
E. I understand that, as with any medical test, there is the potential for a false positive or false negative Covid-19 test result.
F. I understand that my child's or my (student 18 years or older) test results and information will be disclosed to the appropriate public health authorities as required by law.
G. I understand that my child or I (student 18 years or older) may be tested at multiple times during the 2021-2022 school year.
H. I understand that this consent form will be valid through June 30, 2022, unless I revoke such consent in writing.
I, the undersigned, have been informed about the test purpose, procedures, possible benefits and risks, and I have received a copy of this Covid-19 consent form.  I have been given the opportunity to ask questions before I sign, and I have been told that I can ask additional questions at any time.  I voluntarily agree to this testing for Covid-19.
Signature of Parent/Guardian *
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