Forefront Arts
Conservatory Registration

Family Information

Has your family enrolled in a Forefront Arts program in the past? *
Can we send texts related to your enrollment to this number? *
Can we send texts related to your enrollment to this number?

Student Information

Sex *
Shirt Size *

Broadway Bound and Triple Threat Packages

Broadway Bound is a package of classes for ages 3-5 that includes both Storybook Adventures (preschool creative dramatics & musical theatre) and Pre-Dance Foundations (ballet / jazz / tap combo class).
Triple Threat is a package of classes for K-12th that includes Acting, Dance Foundations (ballet / jazz / tap) and either Group Voice lessons or Private Voice lessons. 
We also offer an Unlimited Classes Package for Triple Threat members to take additional Tap, Jazz, Improv, and FilmMaking classes! 
Both Broadway Bound and Triple Threat are offered for annual enrollment only (through the recital in May) and represent significant tuition savings and additional performance opportunities throughout the year.  Triple Threat members are eligible to audition for our Performance Team to perform at Disney World this season.
View Class & Rehearsal Schedules here:
Ages 3-5 schedule 
K-2nd schedule
3rd-6th schedule
6th-12th schedule
Do you want to Enroll in Broadway Bound, Triple Threat, or Film & Fun? *

Class Selections

Click on each Classes category to see all classes available, sorted by Day, Time, and Location. If enrolling BROADWAY Bound select 1 Storybook Adventures and 1 Pre-Dance Foundations class. If enrolling in Triple Threat select the ACTING, DANCE, and VOICE categories and choose at least 1 item from each category.
View Class & Rehearsal Schedules Here:
Ages 3-5 schedule
K-2nd schedule
3rd-6th schedule
6th-12th schedule
Select the CATEGORY of class and all of the options will load: *
Preschool Dance & Drama Selections *
Acting and Improv Selections *
Dance Selections (K and up) *
Voice Selections *
Private Voice Selections *
FilmMaking Selections *

Tuition Selection

Tuition Options will load based on your selection above of Broadway Bound, Triple Threat, or Individual Class Enrollments. Class Tuition includes 32 annual classes, Forefront community events, and the Spring Showcase recital. Late enrollments will be prorated to deduct the classes you have missed.
1 45-minute group class ~ $35 registration & supply fee per class
2 45-minute Group Classes (not Triple Threat discount) ~ $35 registration & supply fee per class
3 45-minute Group Classes (not Triple Threat or Film & Fun discount) ~ $35 registration & supply fee per class
1 90-minute FilmMaking Class ~ $35 registration and supply fee pd today *
Film & Fun (FilmMaking and Acting & Improv) ~ save 30% ~ Enrollment in Film & Fun is a Winter-Spring commitment November 2024-May 2025. ~ $50 registration & supply fee pd today. *
Broadway Bound (Storybook Adventures & Pre-Dance Foundations). ~ save 10% ~ Enrollment in Broadway Bound is a 1-trimester commitment minimum. ~ $50 registration & supply fee pd today. *
Triple Threat (1 Acting, 1 Dance, 1 Group Voice) ~ save 30% ~ Enrollment in Triple Threat is a Winter-Spring commitment November 2024 - May 2025 ~ $75 registration & supply fee pd today. *
Private Voice Lessons upgrade! ~~ Upgrade your Triple Threat Package to include Private Voice lessons! Enrollment in Private Voice is a full season commitment through May 2025. *
Private Voice enrollment (not in Triple Threat). Enrollment in Private Voice Lessons is a full season commitment through May 2025. $35 registration & supply fee paid today. *

MainStage Shows Selection

Any student enrolled in a Forefront Arts technique class is eligible to perform in MainStage shows this year!
Year-Long Productions: THE LITTLE MERMAID
Do you want to perform in the MainStage Productions this year? *
MainStage Selections
K-3rd performance tuition options *
3rd - 12th performance tuition options *

Participation Waivers

Your responses below indicate full acceptance and understanding of these waivers and all related Forefront Arts policies.  
I understand that I am enrolling in Winter Trimester, November 2024 - February 2025 at a minimum.  I understand that all Forefront Arts conservatory programs are designed to culminate in the Spring Showcase recital in May 2025 unless the session specifically has other end dates. I understand that the various Triple Threat Packages and Film & Fun Packages are for the full season through May 2025, and that due to the significant tuition discount for that group of classes, early withdrawal or cancellation is not possible. If enrolling in Private Voice Lessons or one of the Triple Threat or Film & Fun Packages, I understand that I am committed for the full season through May 2025 and am responsible for the full season tuition. If enrolling in a MainStage show I understand that I am committed for the full dates of that specific production, whether a 1-trimester commitment or a year-long commitment, based on the description in the program selection above.

Outside of Triple Threat, Film & Fun, private voice lessons, and year-long productions I understand that Forefront Arts conservatory classes are a 1 trimester commitment minimum.  I understand that if I have selected any of the Forefront Arts conservatory classes, outside of Triple Threat or Film & Fun, I am enrolling in Winter trimester at a minimum, November - February,  and will automatically continue on the roster for Spring Trimester March - May unless I submit notice of withdrawal via the Withdrawal Request Form by 1/27/2025.   If no written notice of withdrawal is submitted via the Withdrawal Request Form I give permission for my account to be billed for the next Trimester and my child will continue on the class rosters through May 2025 and I will be responsible for all associated tuition and fees through end of spring 2025. If I have paid in full upfront for a discount, I understand there are no refunds if I withdraw mid-trimester or mid-year and I am responsible for fulfilling any current installment plans for the current trimester. 

I understand that Forefront Arts programs may have to be held virtually in the case that in-person activities are not allowed due to local governance, acts of God, pandemics or other public health concerns. In the case that Forefront Arts programs have to transfer online, I understand that Forefront Arts will still provide the same amount of performing arts instruction and the same class schedule as originally planned, and will make every effort to provide the same quality performing arts experience in a virtual format.  I understand that Forefront Arts is a mobile company and does not own their own building. In the case that a host location cannot host the scheduled class I understand that Forefront Arts will transfer the class to another host location for the same day & time within a 3-mile radius of the original location.  If the new location is more than 3 miles from the original location I will have the option to withdraw.  I understand that all funds paid are non-refundable and that I
have the option to sponsor another child to participate in my child's spot if my child is not able to participate in the programs we have registered for. 


Forefront Arts provides classes and training at the exclusive risk of the participants.  It is strongly recommended that students are covered by their own family insurance policy.  Forefront Arts  is not responsible for any damage or loss to personal property or injury suffered during any associated event or activity.  Your response below indicates full acceptance and understanding of this liability waiver and all Forefront Arts policies.  

I understand and agree that in participating in any performing arts program or recreational activity, there is a possibility of physical injury. I voluntarily agree, therefore, to assume all risks and responsibility for any such injury or accident, which might occur to me or my child during any classes or activities held by Forefront Arts. I also exempt, release, and indemnify Forefront Arts, and their owners, agents, volunteers, assistants, employees, guest artists, faculty members, and/or students from any and all liability claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever from any damage, loss, injury, illness, or death to me, my children, or property which may arise out of or in connection with participation in any classes or activities conducted by the afore mentioned parties. I further hereby voluntarily agree to waive my rights and that of my heirs and assigns to hold the afore mentioned parties liable for such damage, loss, injury, or death. I understand that I should be aware of my physical limitations and agree not to exceed them. If I am signing this waiver for my children, I certify that I am the parent or legal guardian and have the right to waive these rights.

I understand that I am responsible for any damages caused by my child to the host location, Forefront Arts property, or the property of another student.

I give permission to Forefront Arts to authorize any medical attention needed to my child/student in the event of a medical emergency.

I hereby authorize and consent that Forefront Arts shall have the absolute right to copyright, publish, or use any and all photographic portraits or pictures, videotapes and/or sound recordings, or any part thereof, they have taken or made of my child, or in which my child may be included in whole or in part. 

Forefront Arts is not a licensed child care facility.  I understand that Forefront Arts is not required to be licensed by the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning and this program is exempt from state licensure requirements.

HEALTH & WELLNESS /COVID / Illness Policy:
Students and Immediate Family Members are fully aware of the risks and hazards with respect to COVID-19, or any other viruses, seasonal illnesses or other health risks inherent in their participation in Forefront Arts programs. Students and Immediate Family Members freely and voluntarily agree to assume the risk with respect to COVID-19, or any other viruses, seasonal illnesses, or other health risks, including the risk of death, bodily injury or property damage, regardless of severity, that they may sustain as a result of their participation in Forefront Arts activities. No refunds or credits will be given for students who cannot participate in-person while they are ill, but every attempt will be made to include the child when they are well enough to participate in-person again.

Forefront Arts strives to provide a nurturing environment for all its participants. To ensure that each student feels safe and comfortable during class, rehearsal or lessons, we have a zero-tolerance policy for inappropriate behavior that may cause physical or emotional harm to students and instructors in the class. Teachers reserve the right to dismiss any child from a class due to discipline problems. The misuse of social media to cause harm to other students is considered inappropriate behavior. Repeated behavioral problems with a student or any parent behavior deemed inappropriate may result in permanent dismissal of the student from the studio.


Step 1: If a rule is broken, a staff member will first verbally tell the student to stop the inappropriate behavior.

Step 2: If the inappropriate behavior persists, a staff member will remove the student from the activity or situation and call for Forefront administration to address the situation with the student.
Step 3:If the inappropriate behavior persists, the parents will be called and notified of the situation and asked to speak with their child over the phone.
Step 4: If the inappropriate behavior continues, parents will be called to remove the child immediately. Forefront administration may allow the child to return the following week, or the child may be removed from our program.

Forefront Arts reserves the right to jump to Step 4 and remove a student if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the Forefront Arts program  or for safety of other staff and students. Immediate dismissal of a student may result from severe infractions. For example, physical violence of any kind towards another student or staff member is grounds for immediate dismissal. No refunds or credits will be given for students removed for disciplinary reasons.

I understand that every family must agree to the Behavior Expectations to participate in a Forefront Arts program, and failure by the student to comply with Behavior Expectations may result in dismissal without refund. I understand that physical violence of any kind towards a fellow student or staff member is grounds for immediate dismissal.



I understand that I am responsible for all tuition charges for each 2024-2025 program my child is enrolled in, regardless of my child's participation, and there are no adjustments made for missed classes or rehearsals. I understand that all tuition paid for a 2024-2025 program is non-refundable, but enrollment may be transferred to an immediate family member for the same trimester, or gifted as a scholarship to sponsor another child. I understand that if I am opting for an installment tuition payment plan I am committing to pay the total tuition amount, regardless of my child's participation. I understand all payments made are non-refundable. I understand that if I have selected one of the 1-trimester commitment classes listed above I am enrolling in one trimester at a minimum, and will automatically continue onto the next trimester's roster unless I submit notice of withdrawal via the Withdrawal Request Form by 10/21/24 for Winter and 1/27/25 for Spring. If no written notice of withdrawal has been submitted I give permission for my account to be charged for the next trimester's tuition and fees. I understand that my card(s) will be securely stored in my family's studio account, for processing payment installments or specific fees for my child's account as long as they are actively enrolled. In the case of early withdrawal/cancellation I give my permission for the card(s) on file to be charged the remaining balance on my payment plan to close my account. I understand that all balances will be processed with the card(s) on file at the end of the trimester, or when closing my account, unless other payment arrangements have been made in advance. I understand that tuition installments will be automatically processed on the 1st of each month. I understand that there will be a $15 charge for any declined credit cards, which will be strictly enforced. Declined payments will be automatically re-run on the 4th of each month, and again on the 9th of each month. Any tuition not paid by the 10th of the month will incur a $25 late fee, no exceptions. I understand that if my payment method declines for 2 monthly installments, I will need to switch to the trimester up-front tuition option. I understand that all tuition accounts must be up-to-date for students to attend classes or perform in any events.


Saved Card on File Info

Forefront Arts requires all actively enrolled families to have a card saved on file in your parent portal. This card will be securely stored in your family's account as long as enrollment is current. The Forefront Arts staff cannot access the card number. This card will be charged for any tuition installments, late pickup fees, souvenirs, etc.
Do you want info on any upcoming Forefront Arts programs:

Any Questions or Comments for our team?

Secured by Formsite
After completing the registration form click to the next page and submit payment.  
(If it won't let you go to the next page, scroll up and look for an item highlighted in RED. Once you enter the missing info you'll be able to proceed to the payment page)
Click "NEXT" and then "PAY WITH CREDIT CARD" or "CONFIRM ORDER".  Registration fees and your upfront tuition or first installment will automatically be collected today.
You'll receive an automated confirmation email with a copy of your registration immediately. 
Please call 770 864 3316 with any questions!