Family Information

Has your family enrolled in a Forefront Arts program in the past? *

Student Information

Sex *

Cast Selection

please select which cast you want to join *

Production Tuition Selection

please select a tuition option for your student *

Optional Production Keepsakes

CAMP TSHIRT -- $20. A unique collectible 100% cotton pre-shrunk t-shirt featuring the Seussical logo on the front and the cast names on the back!
PRODUCTION RECORDING -- $30. A professional video of the performance!


Your responses below indicate full acceptance and understanding of these waivers and all related Forefront Arts policies.  
I understand that Forefront Arts makes arrangements based on student enrollments and this posted withdrawal/refund policy that I am agreeing to before registering my child applies to ALL clients, including my family.

I understand that Summer Show enrollments are non-cancellable and non-refundable due to the nature of the Summer Show program and the finite spots available. I understand that my Summer Show registration cannot be transferred to another program. If my child is not able to use his purchased Summer Show spot we have the option to sponsor another student to participate in my child's spot.  *


Forefront Arts provides classes and training at the exclusive risk of the participants.  It is strongly recommended that students are covered by their own family insurance policy.  Forefront Arts  is not responsible for any damage or loss to personal property or injury suffered during any associated event or activity.  Your response below indicates full acceptance and understanding of this liability waiver and all Forefront Arts policies.  

I understand and agree that in participating in any performing arts program or recreational activity, there is a possibility of physical injury. I voluntarily agree, therefore, to assume all risks and responsibility for any such injury or accident, which might occur to me or my child during any classes or activities held by Forefront Arts. I also exempt, release, and indemnify Forefront Arts, and their owners, agents, volunteers, assistants, employees, guest artists, faculty members, and/or students from any and all liability claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever from any damage, loss, injury, illness, or death to me, my children, or property which may arise out of or in connection with participation in any classes or activities conducted by the afore mentioned parties. I further hereby voluntarily agree to waive my rights and that of my heirs and assigns to hold the afore mentioned parties liable for such damage, loss, injury, or death. I understand that I should be aware of my physical limitations and agree not to exceed them. If I am signing this waiver for my children, I certify that I am the parent or legal guardian and have the right to waive these rights.

I understand that I am responsible for any damages caused by my child to the host location, Forefront Arts property, or the property of another student.

I give permission to Forefront Arts to authorize any medical attention needed to my child/student in the event of a medical emergency. I understand that I am financially responsible for any damages caused by my child to the host location, Forefront Arts property, or the belongings of another student.

I hereby authorize and consent that Forefront Arts shall have the absolute right to copyright, publish, or use any and all photographic portraits or pictures, videotapes and/or sound recordings, or any part thereof, they have taken or made of my child, or in which my child may be included in whole or in part. 

Forefront Arts is not a licensed child care facility.  I understand that Forefront Arts is not required to be licensed by the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning and this program is exempt from state licensure requirements.


HEALTH & WELLNESS /COVID / Illness Cancellation Policy:

Students and Immediate Family Members are fully aware of the risks and hazards with respect to COVID-19, or any other viruses, inherent in their participation in Forefront Arts programs. Students and Immediate Family Members freely and voluntarily agree to assume the risk with respect to COVID-19, or any other viruses, including the risk of death, bodily injury or property damage, regardless of severity, that they may sustain as a result of their participation in Forefront Arts programs. Any students found to be exhibiting a temperature above 100.4 or presenting Covid-19 symptoms will be immediately sent home until they are able to return, following current state & CDC guidelines. No refunds or credits will be given for students sent home for exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms or other illnesses but every attempt will be made to include the student when they are well enough to rejoin their Forefront Arts program.


Payment Info

Forefront Arts requires all actively enrolled families to have a card saved on file in your parent portal. This card will be securely stored in your family's account as long as enrollment is current. The Forefront Arts staff cannot access the card number. This card can be used for payment plans or requested program add-ons (souvenirs, tickets, playbill shout-outs, etc) as long as your enrollment is current.

Extra Items

Do you want to donate to our Scholarship Fund to help sponsor another child to participate?
Do you want info on any upcoming Forefront Arts programs:
Secured by Formsite
After completing the form click to the next page and submit payment.  
(If it won't let you go to the next page, scroll up and look for an item highlighted in RED. Once you enter the missing info you'll be able to proceed to the payment page)
Once you submit payment your screen should show a green check mark and the words "Your information has been received by our staff and will be reviewed shortly", with the options to print a receipt or register another child.
If you don't see that, it means your form has NOT been submitted to us and we'll have no record of your registration.  Scroll up the page and see if there are any sections highlighted in RED, which means you're missing information.  
 Need some more help? Call our office at 770 864 3316.