Adult only exhibition ice is a valuable time for Club members to run their programs in front of an audience. During the fall, adult only exhibitions will be scheduled for for Sunday evenings at 7:50 PM during the Adult Session. Sign-ups for exhibitions will be accepted through the end of day on Thursday and posted on the Club bulletin board.
  • Along with date of sign-up, consideration for scheduling includes qualifying competitors, number of performances in each period, free skate/free dance test level and date of sign-up.
  • As of 7-1-24, adult only exhibitions are available only to Club members.
  • If there is a waitlist, performers who had signed up and subsequently scratch after the close of business on the day preceding the exhibition will be assessed a $25 cancellation fee to their Club account.

If your music is not on the iPad in the Performance Center, below are the steps to upload your music to the iPad:

  • Have a digital copy of your music available in the Files app on your IOS device. 
  • Be in the direct vicinity of the Rink iPad.
  • From Files, choose the option to share the music file via AirDrop, and choose the iPad from the 'nearby devices' list. 
  • Your music should appear in the iPad's VOX app as soon as you have completed the AirDrop transfer. 
  • If you have an Android device, or you would like your files to be kept in the music database for future skating at the Club, please email the file(s) to


Which exhibition date would you like to register for? *
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(5 remaining)
If there are no spots remaining for your desired date or the sign-up deadline has passed, you sign-up for the waitlist using this link:
By signing here, you agree that if there is a waitlist, performers who have signed up and subsequently scratch after the close of business on the day preceding the exhibition will be assessed a $25 cancellation fee to their Club account. *
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