American Chemical Society


Applications close at 11:59 P.M. EST on Wednesday, March 15, 2024
Chemistry Festivals must be completed by March 22, 2025

Virtual events can be supported by this grant.

Only one award cycle will take place in 2024

The ACS Chemistry Festival is a program that supports scientists and science professionals who want to engage their local communities outside of the United States.

During a Chemistry Festival, the public (typically children ages 6 - 15 years old and their families) are invited to participate in hands-on experiments that show how chemistry is in our everyday life.

Grants up to 3000 USD* are available for past Chemistry Festival organizers and alumni of a Festival Training Institute. Otherwise, maximum awards are 1500 USD*.

Grant applications are reviewed by volunteers from the ACS Committee on Community Activities, the ACS Committee on International Activities, and the Society Committee on Education.

Collaboration with local chemical societies is highly encouraged.

If you have not completed a Festival Training Institute, it is highly encouraged that you participate in the on-demand Outreach Training Program. This will help you strengthen your application.

Please note that for the 2024 Festival Grant submission, there will be ONE round of submissions. If you would like to compete for Chemistry Festival funding in 2024, please complete the application below. 

For any questions about the Chemistry Festival grant applications or the ACS Chemistry Festival Series, please contact


Grant Proposals Due: Wednesday, March 15, 2024 (this is the only submission date for 2024)
Grant Awardees Notified: Monday, April 19, 2024
Projects Completed By: Friday, March 22, 2024
Project Evaluation Submitted By: Sunday, March 23, 2025

Please note: All fields on this form are required. If a field is left blank, your application will be incomplete and will not be considered.

*Support can include travel stipends, materials for experiments, shipping, etc. If you have a question as to what the funds can be used for, contact Some items that cannot receive ACS Chemistry Festival Grant funding are honoraria, alcoholic beverages, meals for ACS local section, technical division, committee, and international chapter members, ACS membership dues, or pass-through donations to other individuals or organizations. No overhead is permitted. If your project and evaluation are not completed within the allotted timeline, it may interfere with the possibility of receiving funding in the future.


I agree that, if I am awarded funding, that the email address provided in this application be made public so that I may be contacted by potential attendees and volunteers. *
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Please click the link below to download the Proposed Budget Plan Excel file. Fill this form out completely, and upload it below before submitting your application.

Download Proposed Budget Plan
If you have trouble uploading the form, please email us at We will be happy to assist you.


By submitting this application, I agree that all parties involved in the execution of this project will exercise the utmost caution in any and all experiments performed during the event(s), including providing eye protection to all students and volunteers. All experiments performed will only include materials that can be found local to the event and can only be purchased without special requirements. Experiments performed with flames or combustion are not allowed. *
By submitting this application, I agree that all parties involved in the execution of this project will ensure that language is posted at the entrance and exit of your Festival that says "By attending this event, you agree that organizers may ask you and your children to complete an anonymous survey about how they can improve future events." *
By submitting this application, I agree that all parties involved in the execution of this project will make all reasonable efforts to collect anonymous survey data from all volunteers; will handle this data in keeping with the ACS Privacy Policy; and will share this data with ACS as part of the Chemistry Festival report, due to Lily Raines ( and by March 27 2025. *
By submitting this application, I agree that all parties involved in the execution of this project will make all reasonable efforts to collect anonymous survey data from all Festival participants (including and especially children); will handle this data in keeping with the ACS Privacy Policy; and will share this data with ACS as part of the Chemistry Festival report, due to Lily Raines ( and by March 27, 2025. *
By submitting this application, I agree to adhere to the ACS Volunteer Conduct Policy during all ACS related events as stated above. *