Employer Certification Form
To be completed by the Employer

Employer Information

For Medicare reporting, please indicate the number of full-time and part-time employees you currently have on payroll: *
According to the Patient Protection and Affordability Act we are required to know how much the employee is required to pay for their insurance premiums. If the amounts listed below change, you are required to inform Alliance Benefits.

Employer Eligibility Compliance

Please verify that 100% of all Licensed Official Workers on staff who work 30 or more hours per week are enrolled in The Alliance Health Plan with the exception of being covered under a Spouse’s Employer Plan, Medicare/Medicaid/Tricare/VA, a Bi-Vocational Employer Plan (this exception does not include a Licensed Official Worker who is enrolled in a ministry cost-sharing program or the government exchange program), or the worker is age 65 or older and has other health plan coverage: *

Employee Reason for Enrolling and Verification

Reason for Enrolling: *

HSA Authorization for Contribution Agreement

Employer Monthly HSA Contribution ("Silver Plan only" Included in monthly premium) *

*No monthly Employer HSA Contribution is required for participants enrolled in the Bronze Plan. Additional contributions are optional.

For 2024, the IRS allows an individual to contribute up to $4,150 and a family may contribute up to $8,300. These limits include the combined total of employer and employee contributions. Employees who are age 55 or older are allowed to contribute an additional $1,000 in catch-up contributions. Any remaining balance in the employee’s HSA will rollover and accumulate year to year.

HSA Authorization for Contribution Agreement (continued)

I understand that employees are not eligible to participate in an HSA if:
• They are enrolled in Medicare, Tricare, or a Veteran’s plan
• They are enrolled in additional coverage that is not a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP)
• They are claimed as a dependent on another person’s taxes

I hereby authorize ALLIANCE BENEFITS to withdraw funds for the above HSA employee contribution listed.

I understand HSA employee contributions are included in the health plan insurance premium and will be billed at the same time. After the billing is collected, HSA funds will be deposited into the employee’s account by the 10th of every month. Changes (including termination of employment) to contributions must be submitted to Alliance Benefits by the 25th of the month to be included in the following month’s billing. HSA contributions cannot be refunded once collected.

All HSA employer and employee contributions must be reported on employee’s W-2, Box 12, Code W.

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Employer Authorization Signature

The undersigned employer representative confirms that this applicant is a paid employee of the above named organization, working 20 or more hours per week, and that the reported salary is accurate. We understand the Health Plan coverage being requested by this applicant, upon approval, will be added to our employer’s monthly billing statement. (The employer representative cannot be the applicant.)
Authorized Employer's Signature *
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