Friday Nite Youth Event - 2021
Full Name
Email Address
Phone Number (no symbols. Example - 6465555555)
Date of Event
Friday, June 11 2021 @ 6:30pm
1) Have you or any of the people attending with you, experienced any symptoms of COVID-19, including a fever of 99.5 degrees or higher, coughing, loss of taste or smell, or shortness of breath within the past 14 days?
2) In the past 14 days, have you or any of the people attending with you, tested positive for COVID-19 from a certified test facility, clinic, or hospital?
3) To the best of your knowledge, in the past 14 days, have you and those attending with you, been in close contact (within 6 feet for at least 10 minutes) with anyone who tested positive for COVID-19 or who has or had symptoms of COVID-19?
4) Have you or any of the people attending with you, traveled internationally (including cruises) or from a state with widespread community transmission of COVID-19 as per the New York State Travel Advisory (
Click here
) in the past 14 days?
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