Story Riders x Pueblo Resurgents in Isleta Pueblo

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For questions, please contact Program Manager Marco Sandoval at or call (505) 200-9907.We will begin and end the program at the Isleta Youth Recreation Center every day. Please refer to our Parent/Student Handbook for more information.

Student Information

Does your student have a bike they can use for the program? (We will provide one if they don't have one.) *
Does your student know how to ride a bike? If not, we can teach them! *
I understand that if the participant misses 3 or more classes they are NOT eligible to receive a bike and a helmet. *
I understand that if the family needs to store a bike after the program, we can only hold it for two weeks and after that time, it will be recycled back into the program. *
Race/Ethnicity *
Please click on the link below to ensure registration *
(10 remaining)

Contact Information

Parent or Guardian 1

Parent or Guardian 2

Emergency Contacts other than Parents or Guardians

Emergency Contact 1

Emergency Contact 2

Additional persons authorized to pick up your child other than parents, guardians and emergency contacts

Persons NOT authorized to pick up your child

Media Release

Agreement for Liability Waiver

Participation in Story Riders events may involve known and unanticipated risks that could result in physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death, or damage to participants, to property, or to third parties. The risks include, among other things: falling off the bicycle due to rider error, bicycle malfunctions, altercations with other students, collisions with other riders, pedestrians, equestrians, obstacles such as loose sand and/or rocks on the trail, collisions with trees, low-hanging branches, bushes, logs, rocks and vehicles. Other risks of activity in the outdoors include insect and animal bites as well as weather-related injuries (due to heat, wind, excessive sun). Any of these risks could lead to foreign objects in eyes, heat-stroke, dehydration, broken bones, concussions, cuts and scrapes, bruises, internal organ damage, fainting, emotional stress, and/or death. Because of the dangers of participating in this activity, the undersigned parent and/or legal guardian and participant agree to fully comply with any supervisor’s instructions regarding participation in this activity.

Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risk

The undersigned parent and/or legal guardian does hereby acknowledge that he/she is aware of the dangers and the risks to the participant’s person and property involved in participating in Center of Southwest Culture (CSC) activities and agrees to accept and assume all the risks existing in this activity. Participation in these activities is purely voluntary and the undersigned elect to participate in spite of the risks. The undersigned parent and/or legal guardian and participant understand that the Center of Southwest Culture does not insure participants in the above-described activity, that any coverage would be through personal insurance, and that CSC has no responsibility or liability for injury resulting from this activity.

Consent is given for the participant to receive medical treatment, which may be deemed necessary or advisable in the event of injury, accident or illness during this activity or event. This release, indemnification, and waiver shall be construed broadly to provide a release, indemnification, and waiver to the maximum extent permissible under applicable law.


Medical Information and Agreement for Medical Attention

The Center of Southwest Culture (CSC) wishes to avoid difficulties in obtaining medical services for children who may become ill or injured during CSC program activities. As the parent/guardian of a child participating in a CSC activity, it is necessary that you consent, in advance, to hospitalization, medical attention, or surgery for your child in case an emergency occurs. If no consent is given, you must provide a written statement of procedures to be followed if your child is injured or becomes ill during a program activity. In the event of serious illness or injury a reasonable effort will be made to contact you to obtain further verbal consent in advance of medical services being given. If we are unable to contact you, CSC staff will consent to such services for your child by acting on your behalf based on written advance authorization. That authorization is the consent below. *

This program involves a lot of physical activity. Please provide the following information to help ensure the safest, most successful experience for your child:


Please select ALL that apply *


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