Designer Genes for your Next Foal

Performance is our focus. And our passion. To help you match your mare to our perfect mate, fill out the following and submit with a full-body side photo and video if available. We will call you to consult on how to complement your mare both conformationally and genetically. Remember, we always breed with improvement in mind. Be honest in your appraisal to ensure the best mating for the best foal.


Mating Goals
Style: *

Checklist for Mare Chacteristics:


Comparing point of withers to point of hip: *
Length of back: *


Width of Frame:
Front view *

Front legs:
Straightness - Front view *
Pastern Angle-Side view *

Hind legs:
Side view *
Back view *

Head: *

Length *
Faults *

Tailset: *


Length of stride:
At the jog *
At the trot *
At the lope *

Front leg movement: *

Hind leg movement: *

Athletic Ability: *


Energy Level: *

Mental attitude: *

Trainability: *

Reactiveness: *