1. Count all donors. Those from your own council's sponsored drives and those who gave individually all year round.
2. Let your donors know that a sign-in sheet is just that, a Sign-in sheet. You can still designate your blood for a specific person.
3. Contact your local collection organizatins on a monthy basis to get your numbers.
4. Start a "6 TIMES" club. These are members and faimlies who agree to give blood 6 times per year.
5. Develop a calling tree of donors in your councils for special need times.
6. Include those members who donate platelets in your monthly figures (Platelets can be donated every 28 days)
7. The figures you submit here should correspond with those submitted on Form #1728 of the Fraternal Survey.
When you click SUBMIT, this form will be automatically sent to the State Office, the State Health Services Chairman, the State Program Director, and the address that you entered above. You do not need to print it before you submit it.